We at MUSH want to give all dogs and cats the opportunity to eat better food–food that is fresh, unprocessed, and free from additives and unnecessary things. Food their bodies are meant to eat, food that builds and strengthens, and provides energy and culinary enjoyment. We produce just such food in our own factories located in Finland and Sweden. Food is a source of health, joy, and quality of life and we are convinced that raw food is the best you can give your dog.
Why mush?
Dogs are carnivores and need to eat a diet that is adapted to how their bodies work. For us, this means that the dog’s food should as much as possible resemble the food they would eat if they lived in the wild: raw meat, bones, organs and vegetables. This feed ideology is called BARF, an abbreviation of Biologically Adapted Raw Food, which describes very well what it is all about. We have built our complete feeds so that they have the same composition as in prey-consisting of 90–95% raw meat, organs, and bones and a small amount of raw vegetables.

Our food contains only meat, bones and organs, as well as some vegetables and oil. No additives, preservatives or grains.

We have frozen our feed to maintain the natural nutrients in the best way. No preservatives at all!

Why dry, heat, boil or preserve? We use raw, fresh ingredients of the highest quality. We then mix the recipes, grind down and freeze the dog food. We have even portioned it to make it even easier for you to give your dog natural food.

The nutrition in raw feed is completely natural and easy for the body to absorb. Important enzymes as well as good bacteria are better preserved.
Most of the meat in our products comes from Finland. We also take some of our animal raw materials from selected producers in Sweden and Norway. There are many advantages to using raw materials from Finland, Sweden, and Norway. These countries all comply with the strict legal requirements of both the EU and their own country, and therefore the level of food security is very high.
Did you Know?
Finland’s statutory national salmonella control programme ensures that the incidence of salmonella is monitored right from
Did you Know?
Finnish and Swedish chickens are fed 100% GMO free.
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Finnish and Swedish turkeys are fed 100% GMO free.
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Camelina oil comes from Finland, Sunflower oil from Germany, Fish oil from Iceland and Extra Virgin Olive oil from Spain.
Did you Know?
Finnish beef production is one of the most low-carbon in the world. The amount
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Most of our lamb ingredients comes from Finnish farms.
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Our reindeer meat comes from Lapland.
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Our eggs come from a local egg producer in Finland.
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Only vegetables that meet the requirements for food safety go into our products.
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Our salmon comes from Norway.